Wednesday 9 September 2009

Dark Matter (2007) @ 暗物质

At a glance:
Based on true events in 1991 which I read happened at The University Of Iowa, this wallowin-rather-than-harrowin drama is about this one Chinese bloke who went to America with presumably best intentions but faced more cultural shock and uni politicking than he could handle. I only bought the disc cause I like lead actor Liu Ye (pic) whom I last saw in Blood Brothers. The fact that he's right in there with Meryl Streep and Aidan Quinn (hate this guy's face) sealed the deal. He plays a wicked professor who didn't want to be upstaged by a chink and she plays his naive wife, a woman whose passion for all things Oriental wasn't enough to avert the disaster that was comin.
Bad news on the doorstep:

If I say the name of this one Korean guy, it might spoil the movie for you in a non-immediate way. Suffice to say the movie isn't too artsy-fartsy but the climax sure isn't satisfyin. Perhaps that's the point. Perhaps the movie ends that unsatisfactory way because it's an unresolvable true story that has many helpless victims.
Watch out for:

Liu Ye's poignant academic explanation on dark matter to his mentor.
Most memorable line:

Joanna Silver: "They don't have tenses."
Amacam joker, berapa bintang lu mau kasi?

This movie calls for tolerance and understandin between cultures, especially in the academic scene. It's not a bad point to put across and the actin is well above average, so that makes this three stars for me.